PIKI mobile library app has been discontinued. Request your saved Favorites. Read more from the FAQ page.


Using the online library

The online library can be used without logging in. You can make searches and browse the collection.

Many of the services, such as renewing your loans, making reservations and editing your profile, can be done only after logging in with your library card number and a pin code.

Press the PIKI logo in the upper left corner to return to the home page.

Logging in to the online library

The login button is located on the upper right-hand corner of every page in the online library.

Login to the online library with your library card number and your PIN code. If you have forgot your pin code, you can obtain a new one by visiting your library and proving your identity to the library staff. If you can't visit a library, you can contact us via chat in the online library or by phone and get a temporary pin code. Pin codes cannot be obtained by email or by phone.

Renewing your loans, placing reservations and other services that require logging in can be found under their respective tabs in the Your Account menu.

When you wish to log out of the online library, open the My Account mneu on the upper right corner and click Log out.

Renewing loans

You find all your loans on the Your Checked Out Items tab. You can renew your loans by either choosing individual items on the list or by checking the box Select all. After doing so, choose Renew Selected Items and make sure that the renewal of the desired items was successful. Renewing all loans at once is also possible by choosing the option Renew All Items.

Placing reservations

You can place reservations on material by using the online library. First, find the material you wish to reserve using the search bar. You can narrow down the search results according to, for example, language and material type by using the filters. On mobile devices the filters can be found at the bottom, on desktop screens the filters are on the left.

The reservation can be placed straight from the search results or opening the item information page.

If you are not logged in, choose the Login to place a hold button and log in with your library card number and PIN code. If you are already logged in, choose Place a hold on this title.

From the Reservation Type menu, select Normal reservation or Regional reservation, depending on the type of your reservation. The normal reservation applies to the material of a certain municipality, and the reservation must be collected from one of the libraries of that municipality. A normal reservation is free of charge, but an uncollected reservation costs € 1. The regional reservation applies to all PIKI libraries and costs € 2.

Select a pickup location where you wish to have the material transported for you to pick up. Finish the reservation by choosing Submit request.

Changing the pickup location of your reservations

You can change the pickup location of your reservations or cancel your reservation requests in the online library, if they have not yet been processed or if the requested item is not yet in transport or available to be collected. If your reservation request has already been processed, please contact the library that you selected as your pickup location.

You can change the pickup location in the Your Holds and Recalls section of your account. Each reservation has an individual Pickup Location menu.

Family account and multiple library cards

Multiple library cards can be linked to your online library account. This allows you to manage all of these cards and, for example, renew all their loans with one login. You also can use this, for example, to supervise the due dates of your children's loans via your account.

In order to use this feature, you are required to know the library card numbers and the PIN codes of the cards you desire to add to your account. All library cards linked to your account can be given nicknames.

Linking a library card

Login to the online library with your library card number and your PIN code.

Select Your Account and choose the Library Cards tab. Here you can add a new card by clicking the Connect library/parallel card button.

Type in the information for the new card: library card name, library card number and PIN code. Accept by clicking Save.

Switching your cards

After adding the desired cards, your family members' loans and information are shown on respective tabs, when you select a card's name on the drop-down menu.

Editing card information

You can change the cards' names, usernames and passwords on the Library Cards tab. Click the link Update card name/username/pin code. You can remove a card from your account by clicking Disconnect Library Card on the Library Cards tab.

Please remember that a guardian is required to disconnect the library cards of over 15-year-old card holders.

Changing your PIN code

To change your PIN code, go to the Profile tab. You can access this by clicking on your own name shown on the upper right-hand corner of the page. Change the code by clicking Change PIN Code of the Library Card button.

In order to change the PIN code, you are required to enter your current PIN code. The new PIN code needs to be entered twice in order to avoid mistyping it.

Editing your personal contact information

You can edit your personal contact information on the Profile tab. To change your telephone number or email address, enter the new information into the respective fields and click the Save personal information button. You will receive a confirming notification on the top of the tab.

In order to change your address, fill out the form that opens up by clicking the Change address link.

You will see your current address information on the form that opens up after clicking the link. Update your information on the text fields and save the changes by selecting Send. You will receive a confirming notification on the screen shortly.

A name change cannot be applied through the online library. You can update your name information by visiting your local library. You will require a photo ID to confirm your identity.

Editing the notification settings

You can change your notifications settings on the Profile tab. Current settings are shown on the top of the page. To edit them, select the link Change Notification Settings.

A due date reminder can be sent to your email from 1 to 5 days before due date. The due date is valid/obligatory even if the customer never received a due date reminder. Please note that if you choose "0 days before due date", no reminder will be sent!

Pickup notices and overdue warnings can be sent via email, an SMS message or regular post. Click the Send button to save the changes. It will take a moment before the updated changes are visible in the online library.

Loan history

If you wish, you can save your loan history. It is not automatically saved, and you are required to turn it on manually. In the section Loan history retention, choose Forever. Your loan history will be saved into the library's system starting from your next borrowed item.

N.B. If you wish to turn the loan history retention off, you can choose Never. In this case, all your loan history saved so far will be deleted.

Once you have turned your loan history to be saved, all items borrowed will be found on the Loan History subsection of the Checked Out Items / Holds and Recalls tab of Your Account. You can arrange your loan history by the checkout or return date (oldest or newest first), by author or by title.

Saved searches and scheduled alerts

The online library automatically saves all your searches even if you were not logged in. Clearing your Internet browser's cache or shutting down the browser will delete these searches. In order to access your search history, choose the Search history option the top of the page or choose Saved searches on your profile account.

You can save your searches permanently in your profile and receive scheduled alerts on its results. The scheduled alerts send you a notification into your email, when items relevant to search query have been added to the library's database. This helps you to, for example, follow your favourite author's newest works or new books related to a subject that interests you, and thus helps you to place reservations on such items as soon as the library acquires them.

Start using the scheduled alerts by first searching for the material you desire. You can perform a search by using, for example, the author's name or a subject keyword. If necessary, you can also narrow the search down to, e.g. books in your native language or only e-books. When you find the desired material, choose Saved searches from the menu that opens up by clicking your name in the upper right-hand corner.

On the Saved searches tab you find your latest searches. The search is automatically saved with a scheduled alert, if you select the new material search to happen Daily or Weekly from the Alert schedule drop-down menu. After saving the scheduled alerts, you will receive an email notification, when the library adds new books or other material relevant to your search into the database.

By pressing the plus (+) icon you can also save the search without setting an alert schedule. By choosing this, you will not receive notifications of new material, but you can perform the same search again without having to set the search preferences each time separately.

The scheduled alerts and saved searches are shown on the top of the Saved searches tab. You can change the alert schedule in the drop-down menu. You can remove the scheduled alerts by clicking the cross (X) icon next to each saved search.

You will find the email address to which the scheduled alert will be sent on the top of the tab. You can change this by choosing the edit link.


You can create one or several favourite lists in the online library. The lists are useful for different purposes: you can list, for example, books that you have read, materials for education courses, movie tips or your favourite music albums. The lists are private by default and can be shown only by logging into your account, but, if you wish, you can share them to your friends or on the social media.

Adding books and other items on favourite lists is easy. You can add an item directly from the search results page by pressing the pin icon next to the name of an item.

In the menu that pops up, you can choose one of your existing lists or create a new one. Adding a description text is optional and it is shown on the list in addition to the item's original information. You can add the same item on multiple lists if necessary, and on different lists it can have separate description texts.

If you choose to create a new list, a new form opens up to fill out the new list's information. You can choose if the list is private or public. A private list is only shown to you on your own account. A public list can be viewed by anyone, when you share its link. You can change the description texts and privacy settings on the Favourites tab.

In order to view and edit your favourite lists, click your name on the upper right-hand corner of the page and choose Favourites.

On the Favourites tab you can edit the descriptions of your favourite lists, as well as the items on them, edit preferences, remove items from a list and share item information. You can edit the information by using the pencil icons.

If you wish to share item information via email, choose the desired items on a favourite list and select the Email button. The online library will send the basic information of the selected items to an email address you provide.

To share a public list, select Public list link on the left side of the page. Clicking this link opens a new tab into your browser, and you can copy the URL shown on the URL bar of that tab. The view that opens up on the new tab is the same as the one other users see when browsing the list via the link you share them.