PIKI mobile library app has been discontinued. Request your saved Favorites. Read more from the FAQ page.


Library contact information, opening hours and services

Search or select the desired PIKI library below. Check exceptional opening hours and events of each library on the library's homepage.

Library homepages

Akaa | Hämeenkyrö | Ikaalinen | Juupajoki | Kangasala | Kihniö | Lempäälä | Mänttä-Vilppula | Nokia | Orivesi | Parkano | Pirkkala | Punkalaidun | Pälkäne | Ruovesi | Sastamala | Tampere | Urjala | Valkeakoski | Vesilahti | Virrat | Ylöjärvi

Mobile library schedules and routes

Kangasala | Lempäälä | Nokia | Ruovesi | Sastamala | Tampere | Valkeakoski | Virrat | Ylöjärvi

Acquisition proposal forms

Akaa | Kangasala | Lempäälä | Mänttä-Vilppula | Nokia | Orivesi | Parkano | Pirkkala | Pälkäne | Tampere | Valkeakoski | Ylöjärvi

You can always make an acquisition proposal at your own library.

PIKI Chat and feedback form

You can contact the library also via the PIKI chat, which is visible on the online library mainly Mon-Thu from 9 am to 4 pm and Fri from 10 am to 4 pm, or with the feedback form.